Give Food
Virtual Fundraiser vs. Physical Food Drives: Which is Best to Feed Our Neighbors?
While we will always appreciate donations of any type and amount, the truth is that compared to physical food drives, virtual fundraisers help provide immensely more food for our neighbors experiencing hunger.
It all boils down to quantity. While a generous food donation of several grocery bags full of nourishing food would help feed a few people, a donation of, say, $20 would allow us to distribute enough food for 60 entire meals. That’s a lot of food — way more than any one of us could buy ourselves at the store.
We’re able to distribute so much more food to our community with each dollar donated thanks to our multitude of partnerships, robust purchasing power, large-scale donations, and bulk pricing. Additionally, there’s very little manpower required with virtual fundraisers. Rather than requiring the manpower and capacity of staff members and volunteers like physical food donations, virtual fundraisers allow our skilled sourcing team to procure the exact foods our community members want and need to thrive. That means more fresh produce, more culturally respectful items, more specialty holiday foods, and more items that have become out of reach for so many people due to record-high inflation and supply chain issues.
Will we still gratefully accept food donations? Of course (and thank you!). However, there’s no comparison when it comes to which type of drive provides more for our community: Virtual fundraisers are the way to help nourish as many neighbors as possible all year long.
View a list of food donation suggestions and other information here.
Learn More About Hosting a Virtual Food Drive

Donations from the food industry.
We welcome ongoing partnerships and individual large-scale donations from organizations in and around the food industry. Food donations made in good faith are covered by the Good Samaritan Law and could entitle you to a tax deduction. Some of our food industry partners include:
- Manufacturers
- Producers/Farmers
- Distributors
- Grocers
- Caterers
- Restaurants