Girl with box of groceries.

2X Matching Gift Challenge

Right now, hunger is at a 10-year high across our region.

To help meet this moment, your gift today will be matched to make 2X the impact for our neighbors.

Right now, hunger is at a 10-year high across our region. Please, make a matched gift now.

Panera Bread Gives Back

uly 018Panera Bread is volunteering at our warehouse today. We asked them to share a little bit about how they make a difference. We are very grateful for their partnership and look forward to providing many meals to our community because of their and their customers’ generosity!

At Panera Bread®, we believe in giving back to the communities in which we serve. We have worked to help combat the problem of hunger in Denver for 12 years when we opened our first bakery-café in Colorado. Since then, our efforts fighting hunger have grown to include various charitable initiatives, donations and numerous community events.

Panera is proud to partner with Food Bank of the Rockies, an outstanding partner who is providing meals to our neighbors in need.

We partner with FBR through our Operation Dough- Nation Community Breadbox™ program where customer’s spare change is collected and donated annually to FBR.  On January 20th, 2014, Panera associates have a unique opportunity to volunteer their time during the MLK National Day of Service to the Food Bank of the Rockies.   This unique volunteer opportunity gives our associates the ability to follow the donations in our ODN boxes and witness firsthand the change it makes in our community.  Every cent counts! As a partner with FBR we enjoy seeing how these donations add up to big change in our community.   Next time you are in a Panera, unload your pockets in our Operation Dough-Nation Community Breadbox! Don’t forget to mark your calendar for annual Panerathon 5K/10K in September!


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