KBCO Studio C Fights Hunger
We’re proud to once again be chosen as a recipient for the proceeds of KBCO’s coveted Studio C album! On Saturday, December 4, FBR staff and volunteers joined forces with KBCO staff, representatives from Boulder Aids Project, Key Bank folks and endless lines of KBCO fans outside various Ultimate Electronics locations around town. The goal? Thousands of […]
Blowing Glass, Fighting Hunger
PISMO Fine Art Glass, Colorado’s foremost gallery for glass art, joined forces with the “Colorado Project” to benefit FBR. PISMO hosted a reception and silent auction on October 8, 2010, at their Denver gallery in Cherry Creek North. The glass works that were auctioned were donated by more than two dozen artists participating in the Colorado […]
2 Days On Air Provides 3.6 Million Meals
If you’re a Mix 100 listener, you’re aware that the 12 Annual Dom and Jane Charity Marathon just raised over 3.6 million meals for our neighbor in need! How awesome is that? Our office has been a buzz with excitement. We look forward to this event each and every year and are taken back by how generous our […]
Filling Empty Bowls
Taken from a 12/1/2010 YourHub.com article: You’re invited to help fill “Empty Bowls” in our community. The annual Cherry Creek Schools Empty Bowls event, benefiting Food Bank of the Rockies, will be held from 4-7 pm on Thursday, December 9, in the West Cafeteria at Cherry Creek High School. Handmade bowls made by ceramic students from Cherry […]
Holiday Light Show to Fight Hunger
Arvada residents, Tom and Ed, are hosting their 5th Annual Holiday Light Display through January 7, 2011. 37,000 computer controlled holiday lights adorn their yard, trees, roof…you get the idea! This display is one that lights up the neighborhood and people’s hearts as they take in the views and sounds of the season. Two 30 […]
Saddle Up and Give Hunger the Boot
The 17th Annual Network for the Needy Luncheon took place this past month. We look forward to this event each and every year! Network for the Needy is sponsored by the Meetings Industry Council of Colorado and is comprised of a group of dedicated and compassionate individuals from the hospitality industry who work together to […]