A Quick Call Can Make A Long Lasting Impact
If you have a couple minutes to send an email or make a phone call, please read ahead! Your help is needed. The Senate has passed its version of the FY12 Agriculture Appropriations Bill which provides $176.788 million for CSFP as requested in the President’s budget. That amount will allow food banks across the country, including […]
How excited are we to announce that we’re already OVER HALF WAY to our goal of $5,000 to start a new Totes of Hope- Children site through our Facebook Fans Feeding Tummies Campaign? SUPER EXCITED! Our Facebook friends, volunteers and other generous donors have pitched in over the past 2 days to raise the thermometer […]
Announcing Member #13…Lindsey Vonn
Lindsey Vonn, Olympic Ski Racer “Colorado is near and dear to me. I understand that there are many Coloradans who don’t always know where their next meal is coming from and I can’t imagine the feelings that are associated with fearing hunger. I’m fortunate enough to be in a position where I can offer support […]