Zeke decided in his early years that he wasn’t wanting for anything, so why not give back to those who are? Rather than stockpile the latest toys for his birthday party, he asked all his friends to donate food or money to FBR. That they
Zeke decided in his early years that he wasn’t wanting for anything, so why not give back to those who are? Rather than stockpile the latest toys for his birthday party, he asked all his friends to donate food or money to FBR. That they
Zeke decided in his early years that he wasn’t wanting for anything, so why not give back to those who are? Rather than stockpile the latest toys for his birthday party, he asked all his friends to donate food or money to FBR. That they
Zeke decided in his early years that he wasn’t wanting for anything, so why not give back to those who are? Rather than stockpile the latest toys for his birthday party, he asked all his friends to donate food or money to FBR. That they
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Wherever hunger rises, so can we.
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Food Bank of the Rockies is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization recognized by the IRS, ID 84-0772672. All donations are tax-deductible.