March 2024 Western Slope Partner Newsletter

Dear Western Slope Hunger Relief Partners, Have you heard of the five love languages? According to author Gary Chapman, many people express love through quality time, words of affirmation, gifts, physical touch, or acts of service. For me, food encompasses all five. Whether I’m flipping through faded cookbooks with my mom, complimenting my brother’s signature […]
Volunteering as a Family

For many people, the definition of “family” extends far beyond immutable factors like biology, genes, and history. Instead, family is defined through intentions and actions. Families grow beyond blood relations to include dear friends and cherished neighbors who seek to connect, serve, and uplift. Community is seen as an extension of family and these people […]
Food Safety Myths

How much do you know about food safety? If you’re like many Americans who have never had formal training in food safety, there’s a good chance that your knowledge is incomplete at best. Even worse, some food safety “facts” that you may have absorbed over the years might actually be food safety myths! Here’s the […]
December Partner Newsletter

I am feeling very thankful this holiday season for many things, and especially for each of you. The work that you do every day to help others is something to celebrate! It is an honor to work together with each of you to get food to our communities. I am looking forward to the opportunity […]
December Western Slope Partner Newsletter

We are almost at the finish line of another jam-packed year of supporting our communities and their unique needs. It also happens to be a season of high volume – more food, more volunteers (and the influx of requests, which is great to have more hands), more donations (grateful, but how do you make time […]
November 2023 Western Slope Partner Newsletter

Dear Valued Hunger Relief Partners, At Food Bank of the Rockies, we are grateful for so many things during this season, one of which was a successful and informative Western Slope Partner Conference in October! We met so many of our amazing partners and were able to learn about each other and grow together. It’s […]