Reducing Waste and Feeding the Community

Every week, Gary Warr rescues 2,000 pounds of food from grocery stores, bakeries, restaurants, and hotels throughout the Roaring Fork Valley for redistribution to local residents facing food insecurity. He collects day-old loaves of bread and other baked goods, oddly shaped produce, ready-to-eat meals, and other foods nearing their “sell by” or expiration dates. Rescued […]
Clifton Mobile Pantry Feeding Residents: “Without This, We Wouldn’t Be Able to Eat Some Days”

The once-quarterly food distributions began happening monthly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, each one serves 400-450 households. “People start lining up at 3:00 a.m.,” said Jackie Feaster, Executive Director of the Clifton Christian Church Food Bank, emphasizing the depth of need in the community. She added that most people who attend the mobile pantry have […]
July 2024 Partner Newsletter

Dear Hunger Relief Partners, As the summer sun shines brightly upon us, we are filled with gratitude and enthusiasm here at Food Bank of the Rockies. This season is a time for growth, both in our gardens and in our communities, and we are excited to share the latest updates, resources, and success stories that […]
Food Deserts and How Mobile Food Pantries Help Increase Access to Nutrient Rich and Familiar Foods

Distilled to its essence, meeting the challenge of hunger and food insecurity in our communities is all about dismantling the barriers that prevent people from accessing nutritious, nourishing food. By distributing food free of charge, food banks and food pantries help dismantle barriers related to factors like income, employment status, and economic status, but issues […]
July 2024 Western Slope Partner Newsletter
Dear Hunger Relief Partners, As we dive into the warmth and buzz of July, we want to take a moment to recognize and celebrate the incredible work you all do, especially during the summer months. Summertime is a unique challenge — juggling kids, work, and endless activities is no small feat! Yet, amidst all the […]
Easing Chronic Illnesses with the Food for Health Program

Food Bank of the Rockies’ Food for Health Program (formerly the Healthcare Box Program) started in 2022 with the goal of connecting people experiencing food insecurity and chronic health issues with weekly, nutrient-dense, medically tailored food boxes. In fiscal year 2023, the program partnered with five healthcare centers in the Denver metro area and provided […]