Answers to our most commonly asked questions.

If your question isn’t here, please contact us.

Girl and woman packing produce into boxes outside.



A food bank, like Food Bank of the Rockies, is a large, centralized resource that acquires and distributes food and necessities to smaller, direct service-only Hunger Relief Partners, which are food pantries. Many food banks, again, like Food Bank of the Rockies, also have programs that directly distribute to those in need. If it’s helpful, you can think of food banks as distribution centers and food pantries as corner stores. The former offers large-scale efficiencies and impact, and partners with the latter to deliver much-needed food and necessities at a hyperlocal level.

We procure food and necessities from a variety of sources, including a robust Food Rescue Program, which repurposes surplus food as nourishing options for our neighbors. We also receive direct contributions from partners throughout the food industry, from farmers to restaurants. A smaller but still sizeable portion of our food is purchased using donated funds and other means of foundational support. And because we can purchase food in bulk quantities at wholesale prices, we can make that funding go further, providing about the equivalent of three meals for every dollar.

We use this metric as a general way to explain how donated dollars have major purchasing power through Food Bank of the Rockies. 

$1 helps provide three meals thanks to Food Bank of the Rockies’ robust purchasing power, grocery rescue program, federal government allotments, donations, and lower bulk pricing from agricultural and retail partners. 

Ultimately, $1 helps provide 3 meals because of the way we are able to leverage the power of donated food. More than half of our food is donated by retailers, manufacturers, and agricultural partners or funded through government programs. Although there are costs associated even with donated food (i.e. the freight to pick up the food, the cost of running our distribution center, the cost of labor and freight to distribute the food), it’s still an incredibly efficient model. 

While Food Bank of the Rockies currently spends over $1 million/month on purchased food, that food represents a fraction of the food we’re distributing thanks to donated and government-funded food. Additionally, we are purchasing food for much less than what the average person would spend at the grocery store, which helps us stretch donors’ dollars further.

Our two processes for food distribution are through direct services and Hunger Relief Partners.

Direct services are programs run wholly by Food Bank of the Rockies and our associated teams. These include our fleet of more than 70 mobile pantries that bring food to where it’s needed most, our Food for Kids programs that provide after-school and summer nutrition support for families, home delivery of food boxes for older adults, and much more.

Hunger Relief Partners are locally based relief organizations located throughout the regions we serve who receive resources through Food Bank of the Rockies. Our partners are the lifeline between Food Bank of the Rockies and communities throughout Colorado and Wyoming, and we are so proud to currently be partnering with more than 800 organizations.

We’re proud of the fact that 96 cents of every dollar donated to us goes directly into our Hunger Relief Programs. And we have been given a 4-Star rating on Charity Navigator for 13+ years running.

We are strident stewards of the funding and support that is so generously provided by our community and partner organizations, and we strive for maximum transparency by offering our financial statements for all to see. 

That’s a question almost as big as the problem of hunger itself. 

The most recent data available shows that 1 in 11 people in Colorado, including 1 in 9 kids, experience food insecurity. In Wyoming, 1 in 9 people, including 1 in 8 kids, experience food insecurity.

The most recent USDA Economic Research Service study, Household Food Security in the United States in 2022, revealed that food insecurity in the U.S. increased sharply in 2022, with increases observed for nearly every subgroup and household type described in the report.

  • In 2022, an estimated 44 million people (13.5% or 1 in 7) were living in food insecure households 
  • In 2022, 13 million children (18.5% or 1 in 5) were living in food insecure households 

This is an increase of nearly 31% and 44% respectively from the previous year, the highest rate and number since 2014, and the largest one-year increase since 2008.  

In calendar year 2023, we distributed more than 88.5 million pounds of food to individuals, children, older adults, and other neighbors in need across Colorado and Wyoming. That’s enough food for 195,890 meals every day.

Our clients’ backgrounds and needs are as varied as you can imagine, encompassing heads of households who have lost their jobs (or even just hours), college graduates, and caretakers working multiple jobs. So often, we hear from our clients that they never thought they’d need the kinds of services we provide.

Which is why we will remain diligent and ready to answer the challenge of hunger wherever and whenever it rises. 

All of our clients receive our food and support either through direct programs or one of our more than 800 Hunger Relief Partners. 


Our 45th Avenue Distribution Center is open Monday–Saturday, with shifts from 8:45 a.m.–12:00 p.m. and from 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the beginning of your shift.

Our Nome Distribution Center is open for volunteer session on select days from 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.

On the third Saturday of every month, we offer a volunteer shift from 8:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

You should dress in weather-appropriate attire, as well as wear closed-toe shoes (sneakers, work boots, etc.) and clothing appropriate for a warehouse workplace setting. No clothing that is overly revealing or suggestive is allowed. Shirts/tops must have a strap over each shoulder and the bottom of shirts/tops must meet or be longer than the top of the pants so that the midriff is not exposed. No halters, tube tops, or single-shoulder strap shirts are allowed. No undergarments may be visible when in normal posture (sitting or standing). No clothing that has a derogatory message or promotes, suggests, or depicts violence is allowed.

Court-ordered volunteers sign up online to get started. We will consider misdemeanor court-ordered community service on a case-by-case basis. At this time, we cannot accept charges related to theft, violence, or those of a sexual nature.

Please register in advance! You can see what shifts are available and sign up through our website.

All volunteering occurs within our warehouses, so we encourage contacting our office first. We will examine each situation and try to accommodate all individuals to the best of our ability.

We can take up to 70 volunteers in the morning and about 35 volunteers in the afternoon, with advance arrangements. Groups will be split into multiple areas.

Yes. Please bring in any paperwork you need filled out and let us know when you start your shift. We’ll have it signed for you at the end of your shift.

We have some small lockers available for purses and jackets, but advise that you only bring what you really need. Items left in vehicles must be placed out of view and locked. Food Bank of the Rockies is not liable for stolen items.

Volunteers in the Main Warehouse must be at least 10 years old. Any volunteers under 16 years old must be accompanied by an adult. To volunteer on the dock or order selection, you must be 16 years old or older. Volunteers must be 18 years or older to volunteer in the kitchen.

Food Bank of the Rockies is committed to providing a safe, healthy, and productive environment. Volunteers are prohibited from possessing, using, being under the influence of, or selling drugs and alcohol that can alter judgment, as determined in the sole discretion of Food Bank of the Rockies. The possession, use, consumption, and/or sale of such substances, including marijuana for either recreational or medicinal purposes, while volunteering for Food Bank of the Rockies will not be tolerated.


A promotion with Food Bank of the Rockies is a mutually beneficial partnership we enter into with another business or organization. Typically, the promotion raises funds as a percentage of purchases from that partner. For example, if someone eats at a partner restaurant, a percentage of their check (as previously determined by the parties involved) will be donated to Food Bank of the Rockies.

Thank you for your interest in partnering with Food Bank of the Rockies. We would love to know more about your idea for an event or promotion. Please fill out our Request Form for Third-Party Events & Promotions.

We would love to support your event/promotion. Please see our Corporate and Community Group Partnership Guidelines for more details and make sure to fill out the Partnership Request Form on that page to get started.

Contact us at events@foodbankrockies.org with any questions.

Each invitation is considered on a case-by-case basis. We do ask for adequate lead time for staff planning, with a recommended 30 days advance notice.

Staff and/or volunteer presence at an event is considered on a case-by-case basis and never guaranteed. We recommend requests be made at least 30 days prior to the event.

There is no minimum; Food Bank of the Rockies accepts gifts of all sizes. See above to find out how $1 helps provide enough food for three meals.

Presence on the Food Bank of the Rockies website is never guaranteed and is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Food Bank of the Rockies cannot guarantee social media posts during a campaign. Posts are determined on a case-by-case basis. Please feel free to tag us @FoodBankRockies so we have the opportunity to like or possibly share!

Yes, however the logo must adhere to our style guidelines and we must approve any materials that contain our name and/or logo. 

Food Bank of the Rockies can provide you with our media release template, but cannot send information out on your behalf. We can also provide a quote from a member of our team that you can use in your release.

Food Bank of the Rockies does not share media contacts or relationships.

External events and promotions cannot be executed by our staff or volunteers.

Food Bank of the Rockies does not supply any funding for outside events and will not be responsible for any debts incurred.

Food Bank of the Rockies does not have resources in place to act as an accountant for outside groups. Bookkeeping should be done by the event/promotion organizers.

No, the fundraising event organizer/sponsor agrees to obtain/facilitate all required permits and licenses.

Use of the Food Bank of the Rockies tax ID number is provided on a case-by-case basis, following review by the Food Bank of the Rockies Leadership Team.

Food Bank of the Rockies requires verification that the sponsoring organization has adequate insurance coverage and must receive a certificate of insurance that names Food Bank of the Rockies as an additional insured no later than 15 days prior to the event.


Please note that Food Bank of the Rockies is required to provide mailing lists for processing by our mail house several months ahead of the mail date. Therefore, you may continue to receive mail for 2-3 months after you request to be removed from receiving our mailings. We apologize for this delay and appreciate your understanding.

Use this form to update your contact information or reduce the number of mailings that you receive. Please note that changes may take 8-12 weeks to take effect.

Please know we value your support as well as your privacy. We never sell or trade names to any other organization.

If you are a current monthly donor or were a monthly donor at any time during the calendar year, you will automatically receive an emailed statement in February. If you need your summary immediately, you can fill out the form below to submit your request. Please allow 1-3 business days to receive your statement via email and 5-10 business days to receive your statement via mail. *If you are requesting an emailed statement, please note that it may go to your spam/junk inbox.

We are so sorry for your loss. If you would like to set up donations in a loved one’s memory, please fill out the form below or call 720-588-4517 for more information. Donations can be made online  in honor of or in memory of a person, and a notification email will be sent to the person of your choice. We track donations in honor or in memory of people that are active in our database. Please check with us at any time to see who may have donated in their honor. If requested, we will let you know who has donated once a month for three months.

You can make tribute donations on our website and choose to send an e-card notification about your donation. If you prefer to have a mailed notification of your tribute donation, please fill out the form below and we will mail a card after you have made your donation. If you are sending in a check, please include the information below with your check.  


Please contact us via email at feed365@foodbankrockies.org or call 720-588-4517. Please call 970-438-4228 if you are on the Western Slope.

If it has been more than two weeks since you mailed your check, please give us a call at 720-738-9182.

We use a secure payment processor to ensure that your credit card information is safe. The payment processor sometimes declines information for a variety of reasons. You can call us during business hours at to donate securely over the phone.

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Have you made a donation and are looking for a copy of your receipt? If you donated by phone or mail, you will receive an official printed gift acknowledgment/tax receipt in the mail roughly 3-4 weeks from the date of your gift. If you donated online, you should have received an emailed confirmation/tax receipt immediately after your donation processed. If you are still in need of a tax receipt, please fill out the following form: